Receival Services
With respect to each consignment, receival services include (but are not limited to):
- accumulation planning and management
- sampling, testing and classification of product
- weighing
- tipping and inward elevation to the facility
- segregation
- placing into storage
- daily recording and reporting of inventory and other relevant information
- domestic outloading onto road transport, Inventory management & reporting
- liason with all export parties including but not limited to shipping agencies and DAFF
- assistance with export documentation
- logistic management
QBT is one of the most efficient sites in Australia for the unloading of bulk grain and bulk liquid trucks.
During the site redevelopment an emphasis was placed on efficiency and traffic flow through the site in order to make QBT the terminal of choice for the region's bulk commodity road transport fleet.
QBT has the enviable reputation of providing flexible and efficient booking and receival systems to maximise cargo accumulation planning.